Standard Drawings
In 1995, IPWEA-QNT published 96 Drawings developed by industry for local government in Queensland. The Drawings have been updated multiple times since by the Standard Drawings Working Group.
The purpose of these Standard Drawings is to provide the QLD public works sector with a consistent guide to construction of civil infrastructure making compliance easier for councils, authorities, manufacturers, consultants & contractors. Each drawing reflects the latest and best practices with up-to-date specifications for current land developments and are commonly referenced in council planning schemes and are an important technical reference for those working on public works projects in Queensland.
Accessing the Standard Drawings
For the Homeowner we have a free drawing set available to download which provides specifications for the construction of driveways, kerb & channel and footpaths. These drawings are often referenced by QLD Council planning schemes associated with the construction of home-owner dwellings.
RSD-100 - Vehicle Crossing - Residential Driveways - Plan 1 of 2
RSD-101 - Vehicle Crossing - Residential Driveways - Plan 2 of 2
Kerb & Channel
RSD-201 – Kerb & Channel - Residential Drainage Connections
PCD-101 – Pathways - Concrete Pathway - Construction Details
PCD-102 – Pathways - Bikeway/Shared Path - Construction Details and Pavement Joints
For Professionals our full range of Standard Drawings are available for purchase either individually, as respective sets or as a complete package at a discounted rate. To purchase please proceed to our online Store with the link below.
Before purchasing you can browse the Drawing Index below where you can preview all of the drawings to ensure you are selecting the correct drawings.
Individual Drawing $25 +GST
Drainage Suite $400 +GST
Fences, Barriers & $150 +GST
Furniture Suite
Active Transport Suite $150 +GST
Parks Suite $200 +GST
Roads Suite $200 +GST
All Drawings $950 +GST
The Public Works Technical Subscription includes a FREE full set of all Standard Drawings as part of your organisation’ subscription. This is accessible through the Knowledge Centre and is available to all subscriber employees.
The Public Works Technical Subscription offers councils, utilities and business a range of technical engineering solutions and assessment tools, discounts, plus complimentary registration for key professional events throughout the year for all their employees.
Below are the indexes of the current Standard Drawings and the superseeded Standard Drawings in their respective suites. They can be purchased through our Online Store, or accessed via your Public Works Technical Subscription.
Current Standard Drawings
PCD-101 | Concrete Pathway | Construction Details
PCD-102 | Bikeway/Shared Path | Construction Details & Pavement Joints
Vehicle Crossings
RSD-100 | Residential Driveways | Sheet 1 of 2
RSD-101 | Residential Driveways | Sheet 2 of 2
Kerb & Channel
RSD-201 | Residential Drainage Connections
Superseeded Standard Drawings

RS-049 | Residential Driveways | Plan 1 of 2
RS-050 | Residential Driveways | Plan 2 of 2
RS-056 | Rural Driveway
RS-065 | Concrete Pathway | Construction Details
Kerb and Channel
RS-081 | Residential Drainage Connections
Park Drawings
PS-010 | Bikeway Entrance Control | Type 1 | Low Volume
PS-011 | Bikeway Entrance Control | Type 2 | High Volume
PS-013 | Bikeway Slowdown Control | Reverse Curve
PS-015 | Bikeway Entrance Control | Offset Chicane
PS-016 | Bikeway Furniture Details | Deflection and Rest Rail Detail

Working Group
The Standard Drawings are the product of years of hard work and the contribution from volunteers who make up the IPWEA-QNT Standard Drawing Working Group. The Working Group meet regularly to review any industry feedback and suggested changes which will result in updates to the Standard Drawings from time to time. This process is intended to ensure that the Drawings remain up-to-date and relevant.
Below is a list of the working group members who have been instrumental in the development of these important Standard Drawings used in QLD public works projects and beyond.
IPWEA-QNT would like to recognise and thank the Working Group members for their ongoing contribution to the Standard Drawings.
Brisbane City Council
Dallas Lee
City of Gold Coast
Kelvin Matthews
Dean Ostrofski (Chair)
City of Ipswich
Michael Robertson
Benjamin Bruce
Chris Osley
City of Moreton Bay
Tim Cash
Department of Transport and Main Roads
Kevin Mahoney
Gladstone Regional Council
Scott McDonald
Noosa Council
Danny Kang
Redland City Council
Amanda Doyle
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
Darren Meredith
The fitness for purpose of these Drawings for a specific project shall be determined and certified by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ). The user is responsible for ensuring the relevant council has adopted the Drawing prior to its use.
These drawing is subject to Copyright belonging to the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland Ltd (IPWEA-QNT) and our Terms and Conditions.
07 3632 6800