Welcome to the IPWEA-QNT CAD Standards
These CAD Standards have been developed by a group of QLD LGAs in conjunction with IPWEA-QNT through the CAD Standards Working Group for the general use by the public works sector.
The IPWEA-QNT CAD Standards includes the CAD Guide document along with Supporting Files and provides guidance to designers and CADD operators in the preparation of consistent engineering drawings for public works construction projects.
It is intended for the IPWEA-QNT CAD Standards to be adopted where deemed appropriate by Local Government Authorities (Councils) in Queensland and the Northern Territory. As the CAD Standards are designed for use on Public Works infrastructure projects they may also be appropriate and adopted for other organisations in whether a government or private sector. The CAD Standards may also be suitable for use in other Australian states and territories. Any organisation considering adoption of these CAD Standards need to ensure that they are suitable for the types of projects undertaken and/or managed by them.
Latest Version
The CAD Standards will be undergoing continual improvement and updating. You should always reference the IPWEA-QNT website and Knowledge Centre to ensure that you are accessing the latest version of the documents.

Documentation List
Below is a list of the guideline documents and supporting files available within the survey standards. Commentary is provided on version updates where appropriate.
Guideline Documents
File Type | File Name | Version No | Date | Description/Comments |
Guideline | CAD Drafting and Design Guideline | 1.0 | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Supporting Files
File Type | File Name | Version No | Date | Description/Comments |
CAD Files | CAD pen widths.jpg | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
CAD Files | PW_DESIGN_export.dwt | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
CAD Files | PW_Linetypes.lin | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
CAD Files | PW_SURVEY_export.dwt | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Printing | PW-A1.ctb | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Printing | PW-A3.ctb | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | ABANDONED.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | ARROW.SHP | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | ARROW.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | BARRIER-BOTH.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | BARRIER-LEFT.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | BARRIER-RIGHT.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | BARRIER-TOP.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | BUILD.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | BUILD.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | BUILDING.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | CANOPY.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | CHAINWIRE-FENCE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | CONTINUITY-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | CONTINUITY-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | CULTIVATION.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | EDGE-BITUMEN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | EDGE-GRAVEL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | FLOW-LINE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | GIVE-WAY-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | GIVE-WAY-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | GUARD-RAIL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | HAND-RAIL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | HEDGE.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | HELVETIC.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | HOLDING-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | HOLDING-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | INVERT-DRAIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | ISOLIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | ltypeshp.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | Ltypeshp.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | PARK-LHS.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | PARK-LHS.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | PARK-RHS.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | PARK-RHS.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | RAILWAY.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | SIGN-FACE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | STOP-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | SUBSOIL-DRAIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | SWD Removal Symbol.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | SWD Removal Symbol.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | THRIE-BEAM-L.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | VEGETATION.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | WATER-SURFACE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | W-BEAM-L.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | WELDMESH-FENCE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Shapes | WIRE-ROPE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | black_bg.12dvfplan | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | colours.4d | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | pmf.4d | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | PW_full_scale_12d_black.pmf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | PW_full_scale_12d_colour.pmf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | PW_half_scale_12d_black.pmf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | PW_half_scale_12d_colour.pmf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | Quick_Sheet_Plot.slx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | sui final.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | sui_colours.12daz | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | user_lonestyl.4d | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
SUI_Colours | white_bg.12dvfplan | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | 1.view | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | 3D.view | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | BLACK_BG.view | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | DESIGN.view | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | env_config.4d | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | LS.view | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | preview.png | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | project | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | project.12d | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | project.txt | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | project_views.views | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | Read_12d_Solutions_Data_Thursday_23_July_2020_12h_29m_13s.function | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | SUI.model | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | SURVEY.view | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | WHITE_BG.view | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | workspace.4dw | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Example | xs.view | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates | IPWEA_Title_Block.dwg | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates | IPWEA_Viewport.dwg | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates | PW-A3.ctb | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates | Viewport.dwg | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | ABANDONED.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | ARROW.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | BARRIER-BOTH.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | BARRIER-LEFT.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | BARRIER-RIGHT.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | BARRIER-TOP.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | BUILDING.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | CANOPY.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | CHAINWIRE-FENCE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | CONTINUITY-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | CONTINUITY-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | cpo-shp.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | CULTIVATION.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | EDGE-BITUMEN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | EDGE-GRAVEL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | FLOW-LINE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | GIVE-WAY-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | GIVE-WAY-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | GUARD-RAIL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | HAND-RAIL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | HELVETIC.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | HOLDING-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | HOLDING-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | INVERT-DRAIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | IPWEA_Standards_Design.dwg | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | IPWEA_Standards_Design.dwl | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | IPWEA_Standards_Design.dwl2 | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | IPWEA_Template_Design.dwg | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | IPWEA_Template_Design.dwt | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | ISOLIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | Ltypeshp.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | PW-A3.ctb | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | RAILWAY.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | SIGN-FACE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | STOP-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | SUBSOIL-DRAIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | SWD Removal Symbol.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | THRIE-BEAM-L.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | VEGETATION.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | WATER-SURFACE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | W-BEAM-L.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | WELDMESH-FENCE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_Dwg | WIRE-ROPE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_lin | PW_Linetypes.lin | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_pdf | IPWEA_Standards_Design-D-01.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_pdf | IPWEA_Standards_Design-D-02.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_pdf | IPWEA_Standards_Design-D-03.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_pdf | Merged_Linetypes_Design.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_shp | ARROW.SHP | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_shp | cpo_shp.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_shp | ltypeshp.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Design_shp | SWD Removal Symbol.shp | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | ABANDONED.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | ARROW.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | BARRIER-BOTH.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | BARRIER-LEFT.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | BARRIER-RIGHT.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | BARRIER-TOP.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | BUILDING.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | CANOPY.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | CHAINWIRE-FENCE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | CONTINUITY-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | CONTINUITY-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | cpo-shp.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | CULTIVATION.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | EDGE-BITUMEN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | EDGE-GRAVEL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | FLOW-LINE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | GIVE-WAY-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | GIVE-WAY-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | GUARD-RAIL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | HAND-RAIL.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | HELVETIC.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | HOLDING-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | HOLDING-EXIST.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | INVERT-DRAIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | IPWEA_Standards_Survey.dwg | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | IPWEA_Template_Survey.dwg | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | IPWEA_Template_Survey.dwt | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | ISOLIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | Ltypeshp.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | PW-A3.ctb | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | RAILWAY.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | SIGN-FACE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | STOP-DESIGN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | SUBSOIL-DRAIN.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | SWD Removal Symbol.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | THRIE-BEAM-L.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | VEGETATION.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | WATER-SURFACE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | W-BEAM-L.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | WELDMESH-FENCE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_dwg | WIRE-ROPE.shx | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_pdf | IPWEA_Standards_Survey-S-01.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_pdf | IPWEA_Standards_Survey-S-02.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_pdf | IPWEA_Standards_Survey-S-03.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_pdf | IPWEA_Standards_Survey-S-04.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
Templates_Survey_pdf | Merged_Linetypes_Survey.pdf | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
CAD Files | PPF_cuts.mapfile | A | 26/09/2024 | Initial Release |
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