Knowledge Centre
Our globally recognised Knowledge Centre is an essential resource for anyone involved in public works in Queensland.
As a professional association, it is incumbent on us to bring together in one place all the knowledge, expertise and learnings that will benefit practitioners in our sector.

Accessing the Knowledge Centre
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The IPWEA-QNT Knowledge Centre achieved global recognition with inclusion in the Library Publishing Directory. The Directory is published by the Library Publishing Coalition in Atlanta, Georgia and details the publishing records of academic and specialist libraries across the world.
The Directory awarded the Knowledge Centre 4 on a scale of 1-5 for its ‘stage of publishing efforts’ after just two years following launch. This bodes well for future development and expansion of the Knowledge Centre and the likelihood of continuing inclusion in this and other international publications going forward.
The Knowledge Centre is fully searchable by subject, key words, speaker/author, event, type (image, podcast, articles, PowerPoint etc) or by date. It includes audio visual recordings, articles, PowerPoint presentations, podcasts, reports, case studies, recent media and other information on engineering in the public works sector of interest to Queensland practitioners.
Much of the content in the Knowledge Centre is restricted to IPWEA-QNT members. If you are not a member, you may wish to join.
Some content is also restricted to subscribers of our technical solutions including Standard Drawings, QUDM and the Lower Order Road Design Guidelines (LORDG).
If you do have access to paid or subscribed sections of the Knowledge Centre, no items will display ie the results page will be blank. If you wish to subscribe, please contact Mark.
Submissions for Knowledge Centre
When you submit an abstract or paper for presentation at an IPWEA-QNT conference, you are asked to acknowledge that your abstract, paper and PowerPoint presentation will be included in the Knowledge Centre. Please ensure you have obtained necessary clearances beforehand.
If you have contributed articles for the Knowledge Centre, for Engineering for Public Works, and/or for a branch conference or the Annual Conference, please search your profile to ensure you were tagged for all content, including photos.
Navigating the Knowledge Centre
In the left-hand column, you will see COMMUNITIES with several categories:
Engineering for Public Works (our journal)
International Study Tour Reports
Other Events & Occasions
Public Works: History
Standard Drawings (Subscribers Only)
Within each of those COMMUNITIES, there are SUB-COMMUNITIES for example within 'Conferences' there is the IPWEAQ state conference, SWQ Branch conference and the CQ Branch conference.
You can find items by clicking through each level OR selecting from the DISCOVER section by TYPE or AUTHOR or SUBJECT.
Alternatively, you can search directly using the 'SEARCH DSPACE' box under the Knowledge Centre banner.