Our training courses and workshops are designed to provide opportunities to continue your professional development and support the growth and advancement of your career.
Courses are available to everyone
We welcome training requests
Our courses can be arranged privately and delivered directly to your council or organisation

Asphalt Construction and Failure Review
Asphalt pavements are a pavement and surfacing alternative for the changing environments and increasing demands on the road pavement. These increasing demands requires all aspects of the asphalt construction to be addressed to ensure the expected design life is achieved.
There are a number of factors that impact the life of the asphalt, including the choice of treatment, quality of materials, operational aspects of construction, as well as traffic number, types of vehicle movements and vehicle types.
Acknowledging the importance of asphalt surfacing’s for the Australian road network, IPWEA-QNT in conjunction with a practical expert in the area of asphalt construction and failure review, is offering a one-day workshop to provide support for the practitioners and decision makers for the application of pavement construction and review of failed treatments.

Native Title and Cultural Heritage
Native Title and Cultural Heritage legislation can best be described as complex. Increasingly, those involved with the planning, construction and management of infrastructure assets are required to understand the legal basis of native title and cultural heritage issues. Effective management of native title and cultural heritage is critical to the timely delivery of infrastructure projects.
This one-day program has been designed to provide attendees with an understanding of native title and cultural heritage compliance requirement’s related to infrastructure projects and land tenure dealings, as well as offering additional strategic learning specific to regional challenges, government policy developments and in-house compliance systems.

Erosion and Sediment Control Level 3
The Erosion & Sediment Control Level 3 course will provide attendees with the opportunity to improve their decision-making process with regards to erosion and sediment management at all stages of the project from planning, design, implementation and finally through to completion.
This course is delivered in partnership with Terry Clark of Topo.
This course is identified as advanced training with attendee numbers limited to provide the best learning environment, encouraging discussion and engagement. It is not a prerequisite for attendees to have completed the Level 1 & 2 courses, however attendees should have a existing understanding and experience with Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC). Registration for the Level 3 course includes attendance of the Type A, B & D sediment basin design course (day 3).
Attendees will gain knowledge and skills to develop and/or assess an ESC plan against the requirements of the IECA 2008 “Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control” document and its revised appendices..

The Queensland Urban Drainage Manual
The Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM) is an engineering guideline that addresses the technical, legal, regulatory and environmental aspects of effective drainage systems. It provides details of appropriate design methods and computational procedures and covers both hydrologic and hydraulic procedures.
This workshop presents an overview of the fourth edition (2016) of QUDM. Discussion is provided on each chapter, and includes specific dialog on updates from the previous edition (2013) of QUDM.

Sediment Basin Design
The sediment basin design course will provide attendees with valuable design, construction and operational insight into sediment basins including the newly adopted Type A, B & D basins. Aspects covered will include how to size sediment basin varieties (including using Topo’s design tool), how to select appropriate coagulants and flocculants, how to maximise basin performance and efficiency and how to adapt to constrained site conditions.
This course has been developed to support the finalised Appendix B (IECA, 2018) document and updated State Planning Policy (Qld). Attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of key design and operational parameters. The course will also provide guidance on construction and operation of Type A, B & D sediment basins, building on performance assessment and troubleshooting tools provided in the Appendix B document.
Each attendee will be supplied with a jar testing kit to assist in selection and use of coagulants and flocculants. In addition, attendees will be provided with a sediment basin sizing tool to assist in basin design tasks. Content and discussion during the course will include expert experience to assist designers and operators in improving design and effectiveness of sediment basins whilst reducing risk and cost.

Unsealed Roads Workshop
Practical information and guidance that will help you review your unsealed roads practices and ensure you are achieving value for money for road users.
The 2-day Unsealed Roads Workshop provides attendees with practical information and guidance on the use of materials, maintenance practices, and management of unsealed roads. Much of the content is based on ARRB’s 2020 Unsealed Roads - Best Practice Guide, and Austroads’ Guide to Pavement Technology Part 6 – Unsealed Pavements, 2009. In addition to these key reference documents, practical knowledge and real-life examples from road authorities are provided.
IPWEA-QNT is offering a two-day workshop to provide support for road authorities and private industry.

Erosion and Sediment Control Level 2
The Erosion and Sediment Control Level 2 course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to assess, identify and comply with requirements related to managing Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) on their worksites.
This course is delivered in partnership with Terry Clark of Topo.
The content of this course is based on the “Best Practice Erosion and Sediment Control” (IECA, 2008) and subsequent updates, as well as referencing other applicable industry documents. Attendees will gain practical knowledge on current best practice requirements, compliance requirements along with an appreciation of how to manage the risk to both the environment and the project.
Attendees are not required to have completed the Level 1 course prior to enrolling for the Level 2 course.

Insurance, Indemnities and Managing Risk Allocation in Commercial Contracts
McCullough Robertson’s Insurance and Corporate Risk Partner, Stephen White, and Special Counsel, James Lynagh, will give an insightful overview on insurance, indemnities, and risk allocation for construction and infrastructure projects in local government.