Our training courses and workshops are designed to provide opportunities to continue your professional development and support the growth and advancement of your career.
Courses are available to everyone
We welcome training requests
Our courses can be arranged privately and delivered directly to your council or organisation
Unsealed Roads Workshop | Rockhampton
Practical information and guidance that will help you review your unsealed roads practices and ensure you are achieving value for money for road users.
The 2-day Unsealed Roads Workshop provides attendees with practical information and guidance on the use of materials, maintenance practices, and management of unsealed roads. Much of the content is based on ARRB’s 2020 Unsealed Roads - Best Practice Guide, and Austroads’ Guide to Pavement Technology Part 6 – Unsealed Pavements, 2009. In addition to these key reference documents, practical knowledge and real-life examples from road authorities are provided.
IPWEA-QNT is offering a two-day workshop to provide support for road authorities and private industry.
Spray Seal Construction and Failure Review
Reduce the risk of failures, maximise your value for money and minimise liability by constructing and designing a sprayed seal which will suit the traffic, pavement and environmental conditions using a rational, reliable, proven approach.
This course focuses on when and where sprayed treatments can be used by introducing participants to the strengths and weaknesses of the various types of sprayed treatments commonly used including the types of surface defects that may be corrected. It will also cover how to bitumen sprayer works and limitations and also covers a number of different failures and their causes
Bridge Inspection Level 1 & 2
In order to facilitate access on our transport network, we often construct structures to support the transport functionality. These assets may be bridges, major culverts, tunnels, retaining walls or large sign structures. These assets typically have a layer of complexity and longevity which requires additional expertise and process to ensure they are effectively managed. The capture of relevant data for management is typically performed via inspections.
The three day workshop, focusing primarily on bridges and major culverts, provides the participants to the opportunity to learn how to conduct inspections in accordance with best practice. The course will cover the processes associate with the two major inspection types, Level 1 and 2.
Roads Pavements Visual Condition Assessment and Asset Management | Townsville
A key task of the roads manager is to ensure the ongoing integrity of road pavement assets by undertaking appropriate condition assessments at regular intervals. These assessments are used to identify emerging or progressed defects that may affect the safety risk or asset integrity risk of road pavements across the network. Understanding what causes road pavement defects and how to diagnose them is a crucial skill set of the road asset manager to ensure the safe, appropriate, and optimised management of road pavements.
This one-day program is designed to provide the attendee with a solid grounding in the fundamentals of the causes of road pavement defects, how to assess them, and how to utilise the results. The course is built around the methodologies presented in IPWEA Road Practice Note 9 and its Addendums. It combines methodologies, practical examples and exercises for attendees.
Roads Pavements Visual Condition Assessment and Asset Management
A key task of the roads manager is to ensure the ongoing integrity of road pavement assets by undertaking appropriate condition assessments at regular intervals. These assessments are used to identify emerging or progressed defects that may affect the safety risk or asset integrity risk of road pavements across the network. Understanding what causes road pavement defects and how to diagnose them is a crucial skill set of the road asset manager to ensure the safe, appropriate, and optimised management of road pavements.
This one-day program is designed to provide the attendee with a solid grounding in the fundamentals of the causes of road pavement defects, how to assess them, and how to utilise the results. The course is built around the methodologies presented in IPWEA Road Practice Note 9 and its Addendums. It combines methodologies, practical examples and exercises for attendees.